Tuesday, November 25, 2008

David Hine mentions upcoming Darkness/Top Cow work

Writer David Hine of the current comic book from Todd McFarlane Productions Spawn stops by the Septagon News Blog to talk about his upcoming and current comic book projects. Fans of Spawn and Hine’s earlier work with Marvel’s X-Men and Strange Embrace should be prepared for another ride of great twisted storytelling.
NICKD: Thanks for doing this interview David. We greatly appreciate it. So let’s get things rolling over here…tell us about yourself? Where did you grow up?

DH: I was born in the south-west of England. I had a very rural upbringing, very provincial. My parents didn’t have a car so the boundaries of my world were limited to a day’s cycling. Books and comics were my escape. I spent most of my time reading and making up my own stories. I wrote my first science-fiction novel when I was eight, (though it was a very short novel).

NICKD: How long have you worked in the comic book industry and what got you started? Who were your influences as a kid? And what inspires you? READ MORE.

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