Argentinean artist will debut in August’s issue #7
Top Cow Productions Inc. announced today that artist Jorge Lucas, who impressed many with his work on last year’s Pilot Season: Ripclaw, will come on board for a guest stint on The Darkness starting with August’s issue #7.
“Jorge’s art has a dark edge to it that depicts some of the seamier sides of Jackie’s life perfectly,” commented Phil Hester, who writes The Darkness. “It’s a nice thematic shift too, because we’re taking a break from Jackie at the height of his strength as depicted by Michael Broussard’s lush, powerful work and contrasting it with Jackie at a low ebb as depicted by Jorge’s dark, graphic style. It’s a blessing to have both guys at the book’s disposal.”
“I’m looking forward to working on The Darkness because he is my favorite Top Cow character,” said Lucas, who remembers reading The Darkness issues in Spanish in Argentina, where he still makes his home. “I like the horror genre a lot, and the darker the character, the better. Jackie Estacado is a soul tortured by his demons, a cursed being, and I love this about him.”
Lucas and Hester have already started working together and are finding the process very smooth. “Phil is a great designer, and his scripts are so descriptive,” remarked Lucas, whose other previous credits include Hulk Vs. Fin Fang Foom, Mystique, and Iron Man. “Plus, he supplies thumbnails, which are a great help!"
“Working with Jorge has been painless,” reinforced Hester. “He gives you everything you ask for and makes it look absolutely authentic to boot.”
Lucas’ guest stint kicks off in issue #7 with Jackie encountering a pair of witches after the conclusion of the events in the “Empire” story arc. In issue #8, Jackie runs into an old nemesis, and there’s a particular sequence in that issue that Hester points out Lucas was perfect to draw.
“I don’t think anyone could have handled the hog-lot shootout in issue #8 quite as well,” laughed Hester. “You have to see it to believe it. We’re all going to hell for that one.”

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