Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Impaler Creator William Harms' Favorite Vampires

With the release of the first “Impaler” trade paperback fast approaching (on-sale this week, published by Top Cow), the folks at CBR thought it'd be cool to do something that promotes the release of the trade and the new ongoing series, which kicks off in December.

But instead of doing the usual Q&A thing, CBR asked if I'd be interested in writing about my favorite vampires in novels, movies, and comics. As someone who loves vampires and has strong opinions about bloodsuckers in all their forms, this idea got me really excited.

What follows are not only my favorite vampires, they're my undead inspiration. They helped me really think about how I wanted the vampires in “Impaler” to work, what kind of rules I wanted them to follow. They showed me what had been done and what was possible.

I wouldn’t be here without them. READ MORE.

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