Thursday, November 06, 2008

2 Reviews of MADAME MIRAGE trade paperback Review
What makes Paul Dini so good? Is it the rich feeling of old pulp fiction he brings to his stories? Maybe it’s the concise story telling that provides what so many new writers seem to miss - full arcs to their stories that deliver satisfaction throughout. He’s not rewriting the book with Madame Mirage. Instead, he’s delivering a story that seems as though it’s always been there. Like a song you hear for the first time that resonates so perfectly inside you, you can’t help but feel that you’ve been listening to it for years. Madame Mirage was the book I’ve been reading in my head since I was watching cartoons in my parents living room. READ MORE.

Fantasy Book Critic Review
ABOUT MADAME MIRAGE: Who is this beautiful woman who appears out of the mist? As deadly as she is beautiful, she is cutting a bloody path through the city's villains, who now wear suits and have “legitimate” businesses. But who is her ultimate prey? And how does this Mirage take form? These and many other questions will be asked along with the most pivotal question of all—Who is Madame Mirage?

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