Tuesday, December 02, 2008


After a heated battle in New York City between many powerful forces, the events of Broken Trinity have finally come to a close. Now things seem to be at a stalemate, with Jackie Estacado still powerless and the Angelus without a leader. Where does that leave Sara Pezzini and Dani Baptiste, the bearers of the shared Witchblade? Somewhere in the middle, waiting to see what happens next.

With the current battle over, Sara appears to be struggling with some strong feelings towards Jackie Estacado, the father of her child, former bearer of the Darkness, and sometimes-hitman. After some vivid dreams and fantasies, she’s confused as to where her loyalties lie. Just as we’ve been seeing a new, vulnerable side to Estacado in The Darkness this year, Broken Trinity: Witchblade shows a different side of Sara, one not forced to use her powers to defend herself and her child. Instead, we see a Sara clearly torn between her boyfriend and a fantasy, her duty to the law and her feelings for Jackie. It’s interesting, and a fresh start following this year’s events. READ MORE.

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