Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Faerber Talks Witchblade Annual 2009

Top Cow has published “Witchblade” in one form or another for the last 15 years, but in all that time there has never been a “Witchblade Annual"… until now. CBR news caught up with writer Jay Faerber to get the details on the first-ever “Witchblade Annual 2009.”

Faerber’s portion of the 40-page annual puts Witchblade bearer Sara Pezzini and her partner Gleason in the high stakes world of plastic surgery. “Sara and Gleasoninvestigate a series of murders committed by gorgeous women who've all had plastic surgery,” Faerber told CBR. “I can't say anything more about the story without giving it away. But I will say it's completely self-contained. You don't need to know anything about ‘Witchblade’ continuity to appreciate it.”


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