I know I said that the first volume of the renewed Witchblade series wasn’t exactly my cup of tea; but short while after saying, there I was — feeling an inexplicable urge to read super-heroine stuff on glossy paper, and so I picked up the second volume of Witchblade. To my pleasant surprise, it was actually better than the previous volume, story-wise. No more apocalyptic end-of-days cliches, but rather your more usual day-to-day supernatural killers and mutated outlaws.
First, a quick recap: the renewed Witchblade series by writer Ron Marz follows Sara Pezzini, a beautiful New Yorker detective, the bearer of an ancient and powerful artifact called the Witchblade; the Witchblade symbiotically attaches to Sara’s (naked) body, both like an armor and a weapon (The original Witchblade series, with amazing art by Michael Turner, debuted in 1995, went on for 79 issues, and is still going on with the renewed series taking over from issue #80, first published in 2004; this second volume collects issues #86-#92).
All the art in this volume is perfectly and professionally colored by Brian Buccellato.
To summarize my impression of this volume, I would have to say that it is still not my usual cup of tea, but once in a while, it’s exactly the kind of tea I crave — and for sure it had been better tea than the previous one. I may drink more of it, once in a while.
Read the full review here.
Source: Blogcritics Books
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