Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Project Fanboy Reviews Darkness #83

In The Darkness #83 Jackie Estacado bearer of "The Darkness" squares off against a squad of tanks and that's just a tidbit of the action and fun within these pages.

Beyond the action, however, Phil Hester continues to make The Darkness a great read and find new things to do with the character even after 80 issues. In this issue his great pacing and storytelling allows him to finish of his "hunting party" arc while continue his larger overarching story of Jackie and crews battle to destroy his enemy The Sovereign. While its full of action and fun and demons comically begging Jackie to be put in the battle, the real centerpiece of the comic is the character interaction between Jackie and Major White. Through a simple conversation at the end of the book Hester is able to really dig in a little deeper and reveal a little more about both of these damaged souls.

Hester's script is expertly executed by the art team which has the fantastic Michael Broussard on pencil duty.


Read the full review here.

Source: Project Fanboy

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