Saturday, June 21, 2008

WANTED: Timur Bekmambetov

Director Timur Bekmambetov is well known for his wildly successful Russian vampire epics “Night Watch” and “Day Watch,” two of the biggest films the history in Russian Cinema, which made big in-roads in the United States and around the world. Based on the Top Cow graphic novel, “Wanted” brings the director, for the first time, to English language filmmaking. Bekmambetov believes, however, that the comic book film is not that different from his previous work. “It’s a similar idea because there is a purpose for everything, and it’s the same for ‘Night Watch’ and ‘Day Watch.’ We’re living ordinary lives and we don’t know what’s happening next to us,” Berkmambetov told CBR News. “And it’s very intriguing for people because everybody thinks there’s something important happening next to us and we don’t know about it.” READ MORE.

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