Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Wizard reviews Broken Trinity: The Darkness

The future's not looking too bright for Jackie Estacado in Top Cow's Broken Trinity: The Darkness, which hits shelves on Wednesday. Our favorite crime boss is holed up in Central America, his bond with the Darkness weakened and his crime family shattered. Understandably, he's taking a little siesta, while up north his former employees run rampant preying on the innocent. But there's no rest for the wicked, so the Butcher pays Jackie a visit to remind him of his responsibility to his crew and that, because of him, his misguided crew has killed a 7-year-old girl. After a nervous phone call from Finn, who lost his cover in Broken Trinity #1 while tailing Sara, Jackie heads back up to New York to set things right again. READ MORE.

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