Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Major Spoilers Reviews Tracker #1

Tracker #1
Publisher: Top Cow, Image, Heroes and Villains Entertainment
Writer: Jonathan Lincoln
Artist: Francis Tsai
Cover A: Francis Tsai
Cover B: Darick Robertson and JD Smith

Federal Agent Jezebel Kendall is rather upset when she answers a call to what initially looks to be a simple bus crash. But upon entering the bus, she finds a charnel house of human remains. This is the work of the serial killer she knows as Herrod. But thinks get even stranger when she calls her partner, Alex O’Roark only to find him on the bus under a pile of bodies, clutching his cell phone more tightly than his life.

Overall, I liked the book. There was a werewolf/cop movie out SEVERAL years ago called Full Eclipse that starred Mario Van Peeples that I always loved, and while this does not have any real resemblance to it, I could not help but be reminded of that movie. With the big push now being in vampire and werewolves, Top Cow and HVE have picked a great time to have Tracker pounce on the reading public, and earns 4 out of 5 stars.


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