Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Newsarama's Best Shots Reviews Angelus #3

Angelus #3
Written by Ron Marz
Art by Stjepan Sejic
Letters by Troy Peteri
Published by Top Cow
Review by Lan Pitts

"See, that's where you're wrong. I don't have any friends...just victims." -- Jackie Estacado, the Darkness

We're half way through the Angelus mini series that explores Dani Baptiste's role as the embodiment of light, and things are picking up down in 'Nawlins when Jackie Estacado shows up with murder on his mind. Then again, he is a hitman, so that's probably nothing out of the ordinary. Now, I love the Witchblade/Angelus/Darkness chemistry, especially since Ron Marz has enhanced each of the titles without it feeling like a crossover. The books complete each other, yet still remain their own separate entity.

Angelus #3 touches on a few things that really showcase Marz's ability to engross you in the characters as well Sejic's art having some subtle moments that he's had problems with in the past, but really nails these exquisitely. Sejic also displayed great skill in color dynamics when Jackie and Dani face off whilst in their supernatural alter-egos. The dichotomy of the Darkness and the Angelus is shown well in the last few pages, really allowing for some gripping panels and great action scenes.

There's the continuation of romance that happens to be between two females, but it isn't heavy-handed and handled like any budding romance. Dani and her girlfriend, Finch, are taking it slow and their moment with Dani's father was the best part of the book because it seemed so real and human. The action scenes are wonderful as I noted, but really take backstage to the character development that is unfolding here.

Angelus continues to deliver on what comics should be like. Though you shouldn't feel discouraged or intimidated from feeling lost since it's the third issue. There is a recap page that breaks it down right as you crack the book open. It's wonderful story-telling without having to rely on shock factors with beautiful art that makes you pore over every panel, so sit back and enjoy a great read.

Source: Newsarama

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